Kyiv will host the fifth custom show, organized by the club Pride Kustoms.
Кyiv Kustom Kulture is the only festival custom culture on the territory of Ukraine, aimed at uniting auto, Moto, bike builders and artists under one roof with your favorite music, dancing and all that creates the spirit of this culture.
This year we are preparing an even more exciting program, so join us and you will not regret!
m. Kontraktova square
street Naberezhno-Rybalskaya, New Havana bridge skatepark Gavanь
Input: 35 UAH.
Location: Accommodation
hotel' Skeyt-Park, the Harbor bridge, Kiev, Ukraine
Start: 13 September at 15:00
Finish: on September 13 at 22:00

My comments:
All over the world know about the situation in Ukraine, and I want to say the following:
Nasty politicians, fanatics, false patriots and just mindless beings are everywhere, in any country of the world in any state. But there is also a thinking people want to know the truth, those who are not kept in the stories the media, those who have eyes open, and those who see reality and not someone's sick fantasy is to these people I speak. Ordinary people always suffer because of a bunch of bastards in power and their lickspittles and others allow these sub-human to create chaos.
I would like to travel, to communicate with people around the world without fear of getting a bullet or a knife in the back only because someone decided that I'm worse than he is or that I have another religion or political views.
Do not fall for provocations and go real expensive.
Author: Andrew "Kurgan"
Fuck religion and politics!