Вся сложность в простоте — главный девиз очередного моего проекта в стиле боббер. Как обычно, у этой истории постройки кастома, есть начало. Хотелось воплотить в металле плотно сбитый, брутальный мотоцикл, без лишних деталей и прочей дребедени. Не должно быть ничего лишнего, только самый необходимый набор по философии бобростроения и бобро-фен-шую.
All the complexity in the simplicity is the main motto of my next project is a bobber style. As usual, this story built of custom, has a beginning. I wanted to bring in metal tightly knit, brutal motorcycle, without superfluous details and other rubbish. Should not be nothing superfluous, only the necessary set of philosophy bobber.
All the complexity in the simplicity is the main motto of my next project is a bobber style. As usual, this story built of custom, has a beginning. I wanted to bring in metal tightly knit, brutal motorcycle, without superfluous details and other rubbish. Should not be nothing superfluous, only the necessary set of philosophy bobber.
Базой для проекта я решил сделать наш советский М72, ввиду малого количества построенных на этой платформе качественных кастомов и сделать, так сказать, работу над ошибками после моего проекта DUSTY.
Конечно, ни одна «эмка» в ходе постройки не пострадала, так что, реставраторы-ортодоксы, выдыхайте. Рама и вилка были спасены из чермета и стали основой и скелетом проекта. С рамы удалены все «лишние» трубы и кронштейны, проварены заново все швы. А вот вилка подверглась очень серьезной модернизации, и была буквально вывернута на изнанку (поменяны местами левое и правое перо, чтобы рычаги подвески оказались снаружи и вилка смогла принять широкое колесо). Сами же рычаги вилки были зеркально переварены, а вилка укорочена на 5 см. Теперь туда спокойно вошло широкое колесо на 16 дюймов. Задняя часть рамы также слегка раздвинута, а подвеска занижена (высокий клиренс, задранные двигатели – частая стилистическая ошибка совкокастомов). Колеса, как обычно, пришлось изобретать заново. Заднее — симбиоз волковского обода и днепроступицы, переднее имеет в основе задний обод Kawasaki Vulcan800 и его же тормозной барабан (существенно доработан, переточен, сидит на игольчатом подшипнике). Получилась очень плотная ходовая с жирной брутальной вилкой и на толстых колесах. Под стать вилке изготовлен толстый рогатый руль со ставшими уже визитной карточкой обратными рычагами собственного производства.
The basis for the project I decided to make our Soviet M72, due to the small number built on this platform high-quality custom bikes to do, so to speak, the mistakes of my project DUSTY.
Of course, no M 72 in the course of construction are not affected, so the restorers-Orthodox, exhale. Frame and fork was saved from recycling and are the basis and skeleton of the project. With the frame removed all the "extra" pipes and brackets re-welded all the seams. But the fork has undergone a very major upgrade, and was literally turned inside out (reversed left and right feather, so that the control arm was on the outside and fork could take a wide wheel). The levers of the fork was quite overcooked, and the fork shortened by 5 cm there Now, quietly entered the wide wheel is 16 inches. The rear part of the frame slightly apart, and the suspension is low (high ground clearance, battened down the engine – a common stylistic error Soviet custom bikes). Wheel, as usual, had to be reinvented. Rear — symbiosis rim from Ural Wolf and the hub of the Dnieper, the front to the rear rim Kawasaki Vulcan 800 and brake drum (substantially reworked, re-drilled, sits on a needle bearing). Was very dense with a greasy brutal suspension fork and fat wheel. Under a fork made thick horned steering wheel, which has already become a hallmark of the reverse leverage of its own production.
The basis for the project I decided to make our Soviet M72, due to the small number built on this platform high-quality custom bikes to do, so to speak, the mistakes of my project DUSTY.
Of course, no M 72 in the course of construction are not affected, so the restorers-Orthodox, exhale. Frame and fork was saved from recycling and are the basis and skeleton of the project. With the frame removed all the "extra" pipes and brackets re-welded all the seams. But the fork has undergone a very major upgrade, and was literally turned inside out (reversed left and right feather, so that the control arm was on the outside and fork could take a wide wheel). The levers of the fork was quite overcooked, and the fork shortened by 5 cm there Now, quietly entered the wide wheel is 16 inches. The rear part of the frame slightly apart, and the suspension is low (high ground clearance, battened down the engine – a common stylistic error Soviet custom bikes). Wheel, as usual, had to be reinvented. Rear — symbiosis rim from Ural Wolf and the hub of the Dnieper, the front to the rear rim Kawasaki Vulcan 800 and brake drum (substantially reworked, re-drilled, sits on a needle bearing). Was very dense with a greasy brutal suspension fork and fat wheel. Under a fork made thick horned steering wheel, which has already become a hallmark of the reverse leverage of its own production.
Как же сейчас много появилось каталожных фар, стопаков, поворотников и прочей продукции китайской промышленности, которую в руки-то брать противно, а ставить на мотоцикл — вообще дурной тон. Плюясь на очередной чайнакаловый стопак (который был распилен болгаркой и стал решеткой воздушного фильтра) были приобретены фара от танка и стопсигнал от старого газона. Импортозамещение в действии, качественные, железные, родные, брутальные! На мотоцикле только бензобак, из основных деталей, имеет каталожное происхождение. Заднее крыло же выстучано и переварено из восходовского.
Почти готовый бобр — полуфабрикат стоял и радовал своей простотой и лаконичностью, но как обычно, я решил добавить определённую фишку. И ей стал двигатель. У блока от М72 была срезана верхняя часть и приварена верхушка от более позднего 12-ти вольтового Урала. Чтобы не делать никаких переходников под генератор. Попутно заварены все изъяны литья и ненужные отверстия. Затем двигатель со всеми крышками и коробкой были отшлифованы заодно, чтобы не было ступенек, все отполировано. После этого, в течение двух недель, вручную, маленьким молоточком с шариком на конце, двигатель был отчеканен. Эта текстура волшебна и необычна, эти 150000 ударов того стоят… Мелочи имеют огромную силу, из них складывается образ мотоцикла, его восприятие. Наполненный этой энергетикой ручного труда, мотоцикл воспринимается уже на другом уровне и становится нечто большем, чем просто мотоцикл. Так он получает свою душу.
Now how many appeared the catalogue of the headlights, turn signals and other products of Chinese industry, which at hand to take something nasty, and to put on the bike is generally bad form. Spitting on another Chinese rear brake light (which was cut with a grinder and became the grille of the air filter) was purchased headlight from the tank and stop signal from the old GAS truck. Import substitution in action, qualitative, iron, native, brutal! On a motorcycle tank, of the main parts, has a catalogue origin. Rear fender digested from stealing the motorcycle Sunrise.
Almost finished bobber — prefabricated stood and delighted in its simplicity and brevity, but as usual, I decided to add a certain chip. And she started the engine. A block from the M72 was cut the top and welded the tip from the later 12 volt Urals. Not to make any adapters under the generator. Along the way, welded all the casting flaws and unnecessary holes. Then the engine with all the covers and box were polished at the same time, to avoid stairs, all polished. After that, within two weeks, by hand, a small hammer with a ball on the end, the engine was minted. This texture magic and charm, 150000 these shocks are worth it... little things have a huge force of them formed the image of a motorcycle, its perception. Filled with the energy of manual labor, a motorcycle is perceived on a different level and becomes more than just a motorcycle. So he gets his soul.
Now how many appeared the catalogue of the headlights, turn signals and other products of Chinese industry, which at hand to take something nasty, and to put on the bike is generally bad form. Spitting on another Chinese rear brake light (which was cut with a grinder and became the grille of the air filter) was purchased headlight from the tank and stop signal from the old GAS truck. Import substitution in action, qualitative, iron, native, brutal! On a motorcycle tank, of the main parts, has a catalogue origin. Rear fender digested from stealing the motorcycle Sunrise.
Almost finished bobber — prefabricated stood and delighted in its simplicity and brevity, but as usual, I decided to add a certain chip. And she started the engine. A block from the M72 was cut the top and welded the tip from the later 12 volt Urals. Not to make any adapters under the generator. Along the way, welded all the casting flaws and unnecessary holes. Then the engine with all the covers and box were polished at the same time, to avoid stairs, all polished. After that, within two weeks, by hand, a small hammer with a ball on the end, the engine was minted. This texture magic and charm, 150000 these shocks are worth it... little things have a huge force of them formed the image of a motorcycle, its perception. Filled with the energy of manual labor, a motorcycle is perceived on a different level and becomes more than just a motorcycle. So he gets his soul.
Конечно же, под стать двигателю, пришлось подобным образом отфигачить и другие детали. Что требовало огромного количества времени и небывалой усидчивости. Но оно того стоит. Просто посмотрите на это.
Тяга к простоте заставила хорошо поработать и над редуктором (найдите на нем заливную пробку)). Проводка вся сделана из черных проводов, которые проложены незаметно и не отвлекают от чистоты линий. Рукоятки, подножки — обычные, резиновые, ради простоты и лаконичности. Глушители без лишнего кича выходят справа и тут же заканчиваются (изготовлены из нержавейки и имеют встроенные флейты сложной конструкции)
Как ребенка учат ходить, так и готовый мотоцикл нужно научить ездить, вылечить детские болезни. Одной из них стало электронное зажигание, поставленное исключительно ради компактности и незаметности (всего лишь один проводок снизу незаметно заходил под крышку двигателя…). Но оно оказалось не надежным и пришлось поставить родное зажигание, ценой этому стала катушка под бензобаком, провода, выходящие из двигателя к ней и тросик с монеткой опережения на руле. Зато никакой электроники нет вообще, ни одной микросхемки. Абсолютная простота и (здесь можете не смеяться, все серьезно) надежность.
Of course, matched to the engine, had this way to make and other details. That required a huge amount of time and unprecedented perseverance. But it's worth it. Just look at it.
Craving for simplicity, made to work well and above the reducer gear (look for it on the fill plug)). The wiring is all made of black wires, which is laid quietly and do not distract from the clean lines. Handles, running boards is common, rubber, for the sake of simplicity and brevity. Mufflers without unnecessary kitsch go to the right and then ends (made of stainless steel and have built-in flute complex structures)
Like teaching a baby to walk, and finished the motorcycle need to learn to drive, to cure childhood diseases. One of them was the electronic ignition that is made solely for the sake of compactness and stealth (only one wire from the bottom quietly went under the engine cover...). But it was not reliable and had to put the native on the ignition, the price for it was the coil under the gas tank, the wires coming out of the engine to her and the rope with the coin advancing wheel. But no electronics at all, no mikroshemku. Absolute simplicity and (here can not laugh, this is serious) reliability.
Of course, matched to the engine, had this way to make and other details. That required a huge amount of time and unprecedented perseverance. But it's worth it. Just look at it.
Craving for simplicity, made to work well and above the reducer gear (look for it on the fill plug)). The wiring is all made of black wires, which is laid quietly and do not distract from the clean lines. Handles, running boards is common, rubber, for the sake of simplicity and brevity. Mufflers without unnecessary kitsch go to the right and then ends (made of stainless steel and have built-in flute complex structures)
Like teaching a baby to walk, and finished the motorcycle need to learn to drive, to cure childhood diseases. One of them was the electronic ignition that is made solely for the sake of compactness and stealth (only one wire from the bottom quietly went under the engine cover...). But it was not reliable and had to put the native on the ignition, the price for it was the coil under the gas tank, the wires coming out of the engine to her and the rope with the coin advancing wheel. But no electronics at all, no mikroshemku. Absolute simplicity and (here can not laugh, this is serious) reliability.
Мотоцикл получился абсолютно ездовой, он проверен и обкатан. Да, для повседневной езды необходимо будет установить зеркало и поворотники, что частично лишит его чистоты линий. Седло изготовлено нашим лучшим новосибирским мастером по коже Александром (Leather nsk), при чем оно также имеет выстучанную текстуру под стать двигателю. Завершает образ кастома покраска от другого нашего мастера Артура (Duck’s ws). Мотоцикл уже живет полноценной жизнью, о чем можно следить в инстаграме и группе мастерской, там есть видео.
Постройка: Мастерская Романа Молчанова Hammerbike, г. Новосибирск
Двигатель: М72, переварен, генератор Denso
Рама: М72, доработана
Вилка: М72Н, существенно переварена
Колеса: 16 дюймов, резина shinko
The bike was absolutely driving, he tested and run-in. Yes, for everyday driving you will need to install the mirror turn signals and that part will deprive him of the purity of lines. The saddle is made to our best Novosibirsk wizard Alexander leather (Leather nsk), what it also has tapped a texture matched to the engine. Completes the look of custom painting from another of our master Arthur (Duck's ws). Bike lives a full life, as you can follow on instagram, and the group workshop, there is a video.
Construction: the Workshop of the Roman Molchanov Hammerbike, Novosibirsk, Russia
Engine: M72, digested, alternator Denso
Frame: M72, modified
Fork: М72Н significantly overcooked
Wheels: 16 inch tires shinko

Construction: the Workshop of the Roman Molchanov Hammerbike, Novosibirsk, Russia
Engine: M72, digested, alternator Denso
Frame: M72, modified
Fork: М72Н significantly overcooked
Wheels: 16 inch tires shinko
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