"If you can't buy, build it yourself" is the motto of the American hot extremely. The first time I saw Anton in July 1997 at Krylatskoe street, where this thirty-year President of the Moscow Hot-Rod Club he spent his first significant action: street races on four miles with the American name "RUN & GUN". Thin, medium height man in the brown pair, "Stetson and cowboy boots devil ran around the cordoned off section of the street, flashed a smile and glasses on a prominent nose, and his assertive tenor sounded, it seemed, from all sides. In overall, nothing serious - a typical modern showman, armed with American slang is why the hot-and-wild charge energy. Well, it earns people money and well, the more that various shows not rolls his laziest. This perhaps, and would have ended our fleeting acquaintance, if I accidentally found out that the organizer of street car show the club President is why the hot-rod only not "prepared" for this event, but ran into debt in order to spend it. In the late 80s Anton Chernov started your own business firm manufacturing fiberglass parts for tuning cars and motorcycles. The business grew, they brought a good income: Anton organized several HUNDRED workshops for tuning and car care products, where and tried to give a General Russian automotive face individual expression. But the dream to create your OWN car not haunted. In American films and videos he saw captured his imagination like no other hot-rods, rapid and powerful. These beasts on wheels captivated him once and forever. They had everything: incredible speed, power improbable and original look. And most importantly - this car can be built yourself! O&Kay! Our hero has made a very serious step, cool changing your life. He went out of business, sold "Range Rover" and the money started to create their own street rod: concept car "Pobeda-GTR" (Gran-Turismo-Racer). Three months later, his dream came true.
Just to build your own car needed: "Victory" produced in 1954, "Chevrolet-Camaro" in 1989, various
fragments of bodies of cars GAZ-53, ZIL-130, GAZ-12, GAZ-21, and - the refusal of former prosperous life. But he has never experienced the type of profound satisfaction and happiness of the Creator. And let someone's opinion of his brainchild was not a masterpiece automotive design, but everything from ideas and sketches to the final incarnation, was made with his own hands. When the euphoria subsided, Anton realized that alone will not be able to do its job: to build a car is a costly affair. He found like-minded people and created a club hot why. It just so happens that the American lifestyle of the individual elements has long been part of our culture. First was "capitalist" jazz and its associated lifestyle, generated at the time a lot of cosmopolitan and dissidents; then - Blues and rock-n-roll, under the influence of which occurred our domestic (first underground) rock, long-haired meek hippies and skinheads aggressive punks. Yes that far to walk: if you wear jeans, sneakers and a baseball cap, consider that too received to the American style. And now through the efforts of the Moscow Motor-Hot-Rod Club (MHRC) in our lives is another element American life: American club street show "RUN & GUN".
First, as mentioned above, was conducted on the leased the straight section of the street motocross track, the second at Khodynka, on the runway airport runways. These events are free for spectators, Anton and, accordingly, his club were expensive. Now Anton Chernov negotiating with your California colleagues, hoping to get their kits parts and chassis for the construction of the first in Russia professional street for street delivery races, as well as thinking about the Junior section of the club, where could to engage children and adolescents from six to fourteen years. The main the purpose of "crusade" Anton Chernov - popularization of hot-rodding in Russia, and while he with this case copes...
Pathetic forms of cars of the 50's for a long time will lead to the thrill of true connoisseurs. This means that the high style of antiquity still will be felt by numerous replicas. In the November "Autopilot" you will see that you can do out of the ordinary "Victory". The new model was named the "Victory GTR"...
It is a
pity that at the end of the car began to run not the role for which it was
valid ... it just put on a rusty pedestal type as an advertising sign. This
machine is in the 90 ies stood on a pedestal at the service station, Алеа - Моторс.

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