744pp твердая обложка ж/720pp ч/б
Более 600 репродукций каждого выпуска журнала Slayer
100+ редкие исторические снимки
8pp цветные вставки из архива журнала Slayer
16pp галерея фото портретов Джона Кристиансена
Размеры: 8,5" х 11" х 2" (215 мм х 280 мм
х 51 мм); 5.5 фунтов (2.5 кг)
Предисловие, составленно Ian Christe, Tomas Lindberg, Chris Reifert, Fenriz, Stephen
O’Malley, Erik Danielsson, and Tara G. Warrior
Издательство Bazillion Points Books 6 июня
2011 года выпустило в свет книгу Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries.
Link:metalion the slayer mag diaries
METALION: The Slayer Mag Diaries
Предисловие к книге 'Metalion: The Slayer Mag
Diaries'Вокалист AT THE GATES написал легендарный шведский дэт-металлический
вокалист Томас Линдберг (Tomas «Goatspell» Lindberg, AT THE GATES, GROTESQUE,
DISFEAR) Саму книгу «Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries» написал известнейший
норвежский метал-журналист Йон Кристиансен (Jon Kristiansen, он же Metalion). В
этой книге, которая представляет собой 744-страничный том в твердом переплете,
Кристиансен рассказывает историю фэнзина Slayer Mag, одного из самых уважаемых
изданий на андерграундной металлической сцене мира.Link:metalion the slayer mag diaries
METALION: The Slayer Mag Diaries
Deluxe 744pp hardcover w/720pp b/w pages
Over 600 reproductions from every issue of Slayer Mag)
100+ rare historical images
8pp color insert from Slayer Mag Archives
16pp gallery of photo portraits by Jon Kristiansen
Dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″ x 2″ (215mm x 280mm x 51mm); 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Forewords by Ian Christe, Tomas Lindberg, Chris Reifert, Fenriz, Stephen O’Malley, Erik Danielsson, and Tara G. Warrior
is the best book about heavy metal ever released. A stunningly comprehensive
historical and cultural record…Bazillion Points has outdone itself in terms of
artistic forethought and comprehensive content. “—PopMatters
greatest heavy metal story ever told—the complete tale of a life lived for
metal. Part anthology, part memoir, and years in the making, METALION includes
over 600 reproduction pages from every issue of Slayer Mag—Slayer 1 through
Slayer XX, plus the precursor Live Wire zine—spanning from the early 1980s
through 2010. In addition, author Jon Kristiansen recounts his life’s story,
from alienated outsider to central figure in Norwegian black metal to metal
party beast to world-weary metal survivor. The book also features over 100 rare
photographs, including two color sections and a portrait gallery of photographs
taken by Kristiansen himself.
twenty-five years, Norway’s Slayer Mag published the gospel of black metal and
death metal, combining eye-ripping graphics, brutally honest writing, and
relentless offbeat humor. With this anthology/memoir, editor Jon “Metalion”
Kristiansen unfolds the extreme highs and lows of a life lived for heavy metal.
Founded in 1985 in Sarpsborg, Norway, Slayer Mag quickly rose to prominence by
championing countless unsigned death metal pioneers. The pages of Slayer Mag
exploded along with the extreme metal underground, and as black metal rose to
prominence in Norway in the 1990s, Slayer Mag remained the final word on the moods
and motivations of those dark times.
astonishing combination of archival material includes scores of key historic
interviews with the most revered figures in extreme metal, including Mayhem,
Emperor, Slayer, Kreator, Nihilist, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Cathedral, Entombed,
Morbid, Napalm Death, Metallica, Opeth, Cradle of Filth, Sadistik Execution,
Usurper, Nifelheim, Darkthrone, Sodom, Destruction, Morbid Angel, Deicide,
Exodus, Dissection, Candlemass, Carcass, Sepultura, Gorgoroth, Death, Watain,
Sadus, Satyricon, Enslaved, Pentagram, Jarboe, Immortal, Possessed, Overkill,
Ulver, Dark Angel, and countless others.
the start, I made Slayer Mag as honestly and as well as I could,” says
Kristiansen. “I never knew any other way. I hope that I have produced something
that will stand the test of time.”

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