Tuesday, February 17, 2015


20-22 February  "Crocus Expo" in Moscow

Full swing preparing for the exhibition.
Next week on Friday 20 February 2015 in Moscow for the 12th time will be the main event of this industry in Russia.
Will once again open its doors to the exhibition pavilion of Crocus Expo for the leading players motorynka, who will present to the court demanding the Russian consumer novelties of the coming season. Motorcycles, scooters and ATV world's best brands, the owners of which You can easily become. In addition to the equipment at the exhibition, the focus will be on equipment, accessories and lubricants, with the choice You will be happy to help professionals.

Will not stand by and connoisseurs custom culture. The ninth year the exhibition Moto Park will be the official stage of the world championship of custom items - Custom&Tuning Show. His work at the court of the legends of customizing will present masters of Russia and from abroad. The largest exposure of custombike in one place, the ability to communicate with luminaries motortuning, extensive show program and, of course, the atmosphere of boundless love for motorcycle - here is what you should not miss on Custom&Tuning Show 2015!

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Workshop: HydroKustom, Solncevo (http://hydrokustom.ru)
Engine: CMH M-72N, modified cylinder heads
Exhaust: forward flow, HydroKustom
Transmission: KMZ Dnepr MT10-36, rear axle Ural M-62, Carter modified
Front Fork: of short-, CMH M-72N
Frame: dry, HydroKustom
The dimensions of the motorcycle: Length - 2200mm, base - 1570 mm Seat height - 670mm, Clearance - 120mm.
Fuel tank: Sportster 2.4 gal / modified HydroKustom
Rear wing: HydroKustom
Saddle: Lepera Solo Seat 100 / modified SpeadFreaks (http://speedfreaks.ru), suspension seat from M-72N, modified HydroKustom
Wheels: two rear wheels of the Urals 'Wolf' / modified HydroKustom
Carburetors: Amal 930, 32mm
Kick-starter: HydroKustom, copper plating
Footboard: HydroKustom, brass
Foot control: HydroKustom
Steering wheel: HydroKustom
Racks: HydroKustom, brass
Ruchi steering and throttle mechanism: Triumph
Pseudo-oil tank (hides electrician): air filter from LandRover + two tractor headlights / combined Hydrokustom
Side Stand: Yamaha XV1100 Virago / midifitsirovano HydroKustom
Rear brakes: Brembo from the Urals 'Wolf'

Link to article Thumb

The boy from a rich family childhood passes boring. The school is on the machine, summer resorts, and friends - on the strict selection of parents. Grandchildren have nothing to say. But life Tomboy, son, for example, engineer. Fights, girls, Hiking, wine - something to remember! Almost the same situation with custom bikes. What is the history of the motorcycle from the famous and rich in the Studio? In parallel, standard! Hydraulic lift, professional tools, parts off the shelf, paint shop, a motorcycle, a country house - that's life took place. But this is not about Thumb, winning in the category "Russian custom" in the past, Custom&Tuning Show.
"Built Thumb was two months and he was born due to the fact that we ran out of money," says Ilya "Koschey", "We were preparing for the exhibition complex motorcycle on the basis of the WLA, but the country was hit by the crisis, the iron hand of famine took us for our already exhausted neck, and a huge Breakfast, bitch, key tightly spun financial crane. And now, in early February we have the phone rang. Called Tonic, desiring to have a maximum budget to build bobber of М-72Н which lay in the barn. It has become clear that this is our only chance at least something to put on the custom show, and we went to work".
Here we need to recall the previous show, where Hydrokustom put your project Woody, who was one of two motorcycles, went on show in Holland. It was the first experience of participation in exhibitions in principle, so that now it was necessary not to fall face in the dirt.
"Thumb it was because in the process of building I dropped Axel on the hand frame with the engine and it broke him the finger. Since the bike had a name, he began to pinch your fingers all in a row several times a day.
In the documents that the customer was set blue color and to minimize problems when dealing with the traffic police, he asked for a blue motorcycle. We clearly understood that it will not look like it should, and was sure his white insert. All your painting ideas we outlined our painter Sergei, who, like a true artist, saw everything on her own, and having mixed the colors were inverted. Moreover, he decided not to paint the bottom of the tank and the wing, so the antigrav black paint we poured them myself.
The motorcycle was built to drive, but as time before the exhibition was very little, by the end of March we managed to collect only a rough draft. After receiving the prize, we took a vacation for a month to recover and to undertake the development Thumb'a. It had to be disassembled, repainted in an all black powder items to properly lay the wiring, brake line, to finish all the little details and to give the customer the finished riding the motorcycle. In this work, due to our total lack of organization, it took us almost six months, but in the end everything went as it should, and Tonic went to ride on his long-suffering, but very nice motorcycle. Honestly, I didn't want to give it away.